Friday, September 17, 2010

Calories Burned Counter How To Use A Pedometer

A calories burned counter is called a pedometer. 

Choosing a good and high quality Digital Calories burned counter usually means paying more as the more expensive pedometers are better. As with everything you buy, you get what you pay for. However, you can avoid paying for more pedometer than you need by researching and looking for reviews. The following are characteristics of a good Calories burned counter.

1. It Doesn’t Under-Count Or Over-Count Steps

The most essential characteristic of a good Calories burned counter is accuracy. While no pedometer can have 100% accuracy in counting steps, you should not get one that under-counts or over-counts in either extreme. In most cases, a poor quality calories burned counter usually under-counts your steps.  Because every step counts, you may end up working harder than you should if you buy a poor quality pedometer.

2. It Comes with a Waistband Clip or Durable Belt

No matter how well the pedometer itself works, it can only work if it is attached to you.  That’s why you don’t want to choose a Digital Calories burned counter that comes with a belt or waistband clip that breaks easily. Once the clip or belt is broken the device may not be unusable since it is designed to be clipped firmly on our waist to count steps properly. Always look out for belt or waistband clip that comes with lifetime warranty if available as you can return it for a replacement if it breaks.

3. Comes With Warranty (At Least 1 Year)

A good quality calories burned counter will come with minimum one year warranty or more. A pedometer with no warranty or a limited warranty gives you no assurance that the device will last.

4. Comes With Longer Battery Life

A calories burned counter that comes with only a short battery life will not be accurate and this will negatively affect your wellness and fitness program. Thus, you must find one that has a longer battery life.

5. Comes With "False Step" Sensor To Remove Non-Step Motion

The better calories burned counters come with built-in "false step" sensor.  These filter out motions that are not considered as a "normal step". Such calories burned counters are usually more accurate in results compared to others.

6. Has Separate Step and Aerobic Step Counters

A pedometer that has separate calories burned counters for regular steps and for minutes walked more than 10 minutes continuously will give you a better sense of the actual calories you have burned off.  These pedometers are more sophisticated and thus better.

7. Has an Automatic Shut Down Feature

Some of the more advanced calories burned counters will automatically reset themselves at midnight.  While this isn’t an essential feature, it is nice to know that you get a fresh count of your steps each morning.

Calories burned counters that are used as freebies or are items given away in trade shows, or sold as promotional items are typically considered as "cheap" and "not-so-good-quality" Pedometers.

Instead, invest the $25 to $35 out of your own pocket to get one of the top quality calories burned counters available today.

Learn more about healthy living at Vitality Market  home of Essante Organic Products home of the famous Power Pops

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ways to Look Good and Feel Good


While people say that beauty is only skin deep, there are those who’ll give you an equally witty retort.

Sure, beauty may only go so far, but ugly is to the bone. Maybe seeing all these glamorous women splattered all over the magazines has a lot to do with people’s idea of beauty. Somehow, you can also be your biggest critic. Others may not see your imperfections, but you zone in on them every time you look at yourself in the mirror. If looking good helps you to feel good, then you need to take care of your body.

First of all, you need to pamper yourself. Make sure that you enjoy a nice warm bath with soothing chamomile soap and a variety of aromatic oils. You need to moisturize your skin and keep it hydrated if you don’t want wrinkles to start appearing early. This doesn’t have to take a lot of time. Those special baths can be a treat that you can do once a week. For your daily routine, make sure that you clean your body from the day’s dust and grime. Then, apply some moisturizer on your face and neck before you hit the sheets at night. It’s a big no-no to sleep with makeup on. Allow your skin to breathe when you rest and invest in good products for your face.

Also, never try to squeeze your pimples by yourself.

You only make the condition worse when you do this. Instead, exfoliate once a week to remove dead skin cells. This allows smooth, new skin to resurface, and pretty soon, you won’t have to deal with breakout. Also, give yourself time to rest. When you sleep, your body repairs itself faster. Leave work at the office and do your best to get at least six hours of sleep at night. Aside from that, drink eight to ten glasses of water every day. H2O can do wonders for your skin because you allow your system to cleanse your body and remove the toxins found within. Juice and carbonated drinks don’t count. Only water can hydrate skin and aid with digestion.

And if you’ve done everything to care for yourself but feel as if there are stubborn areas in your body that don’t respond with exercise, you can always go to your doctor for advice. Luckily, you now have choices that help in slowing down your body’s aging process. There’s Botox, liposuction, facial fillers, laser surgeries, and so much more. Talk to a specialist and see what procedure is best for you. Nonetheless, don’t be too quick on your decisions. Getting a procedure requires a lot of willpower, and you need to make sure that you take care of your body afterwards.

Some of these procedures don’t have lasting effects. In fact, you may be required to visit your doctor every couple of months. Consider this and set aside money for it if you really want to push through with your plans. The choice is really yours: do you want to age gracefully or do you want to stop time as much as you can? Just be remember to be responsible about it.

For more information on Healthy Green Organic Living visit Vitaltiy Market proud distributor of Essante Organic Products home of the Power Pops 



Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cut Energy Bills - Do A Home Energy Audit And Harvest Wind Energy


Unless you've been living in a cave, in which case you probably don't worry too much about energy costs, you know that energy costs have skyrocketed.  And, of course, our incomes have not kept pace.  You can take back control and cut energy bills by finding out the 'weak spots' in your homes energy usage.

Simple things like using energy efficient light bulbs and lowering the temperature on your water heater can help save you some money but the biggest energy cost you have are your heating and cooling costs.  Finding ways to cut back on these areas can add up to real savings. But there is an alternative energy source I'm pretty sure you may not have given a lot of thought to.

Were you aware that the use of a home wind turbine, can lower your power bill by as much as 60% or perhaps even more. In other words you will be gnerating your electricty to heat and cool your home year round. This amazing technology can be tied in with a energy audit and bingo you are saving a big chunk of change.

If you want to hire a professional to do an energy audit just call your local utility company for a referral.  Just remember that these audits are pretty expensive and you can do a lot of the same things yourself for free.

The first thing you need to look for are leaks.  Any gaps where your nice heated, or cooled, air is going right out the window, literally.  Finding these holes requires nothing more than some time and careful attention. Simply go around your windows, doors, baseboards, electrical outlets,  and foundation and look for any visible holes.

Once you spot problem areas use caulk, or a foam insulating product, to plug up the gap. 

Another thing you need to do is make sure your home has enough insulation. Check with your local building supply store as to what the proper 'R' value is for your home and location.  If you don't have enough insulation you can add more for very little cost.

Cut energy bills by doing a home energy audit yourself or hiring someone to do one for you.  The first step to fixing any problem is identifying what the problem is. You can also hire a professional or "do it yourself" installation of a home windmill. Between knowing the air loss weak spots and installing your own wind power generator you can sit back and enjoy the savings for the many years to come.

Learn more about Green Living at Vitality Market distributors of Essante Orgainc Products and the world famous fat burner power pops.


3 Day Diets Lose 5 Pounds In Just 3 Days


3 Day Diets are fad diets that promise that you will lose a small amount of weight – usually about 5 pounds – in just three days.

Some also promise cleansing, lowered cholesterol, and increased energy.  These diets are not scientifically proven, but with the limited time scope of the plans, should not cause any harm.  You can actually lose some weight with 3 day diets. Don’t expect to have long term weight loss with the various 3 day diets.  These are strictly restricted calorie plans wherein you lose water weight.  They’re great if you have an upcoming event such as a wedding or reunion to attend.  However, they’re not supposed to be used as a permanent lifestyle solution.

One of the 3 day diets is also known as the Cleveland Clinic Diet. 

It should be noted that the actual Cleveland Clinic in Ohio has disavowed any relationship with the program.  This diet has also been called the Mayo Clinic diet (the Mayo Clinic has also disavowed it) and the grapefruit diet.

The reason this is called the Grapefruit Diet is because you eat ½ a grapefruit or 4 oz. of grapefruit juice with each meal. 

If you eat the grapefruit in its natural state and dig into the rind, you will actually get 6 grams of fiber.  It is recommended that people get 25 grams of fiber a day and dieters may want to push that to 30 or 35 grams.  Eating this much grapefruit may help you on your way.  It should be noted though that grapefruit juice has no fiber.

You should also know that grapefruit has no special fat burning or metabolism enhancing qualities.  It’s simply a fruit that is good for you just like apples and oranges.  The 3 day diets take advantage of this fact and turn it into a gimmick.

The 3 day diets work in part, because they are very low calorie programs. 

Breakfast might include an egg, a slice of dry toast, and a banana – a total of 200 calories.  Lunch is a cup of cottage cheese and 5 saltine crackers – again under 200 calories.  Dinner seems more substantial with 3 oz. of lean turkey, 2 cups of vegetables, a banana, and ½ cup of vanilla ice cream, but you are still eating less than 350 calories.  Your 3 servings of grapefruit add another 150 calories.  That’s just 900 calories for the day!

Of course you are going to lose weight on 900 calories, even if you just sit around and watch tv all day!  This isn’t sustainable across time, but for a quick and dirty solution to losing a few pounds, it can work.

A lifestyle choice it’s not, but 3 day diets can get you into your “skinny jeans” before a big date, let you look like your high school prom picture for your 10 year reunion, or fit into your dream wedding dress.  Anything more is just too much to expect from the 3 day diets.

Learn more about weight loss at GBG Vitality and the poweful 10-in-1 vitamins supplement, liquid vitamins and multivitamin supplement.


Your Electronic Devices Can Save You Money


I guess we really are the land of plenty, most people have some sort of electronics in their home.  T.V.s, cell phones, DVD players, VCR's, etc

The list goes on and on.  And many families who would never be considered rich have one or more of these electronic devices. This is a great place to start with energy savings.

What if you could power all of these devices with your personal electricity; instead of having to buy it from the cash sucking power companies? Well you can and you can do it and fairly inexpensively. The most renewable energy source can be harvested by you with your own home wind turbine kit. And you can further reduce your power bills by following some the simple step outlined below.

That's the good news, the bad news is that these electronic devices are costing you a bundle in electricity costs.  Most people don't realize that even though their electronic item is turned off it is still in 'stand-by' mode, which means that it is still using electricity...and costing you money.

If you're not going to be using that t.v. in the basement for a long time than unplug it.  I know it can be a bit of a hassle since you'll probably need to re-set the channels, but if you unplug it every time it's going to be sitting unused for a while, you can save yourself quite a bit of money over the course of a year!

Your computer is another energy hog

Many of us leave our computers on virtually around the clock all year long.  I've heard conflicting opinions of whether or not it is good to turn your computer off daily, some say it's best while other's say it's not good for it.

What you can do is to set your computer to an energy saving stand-by mode when not in use.  It's sometimes referred to as sleep mode.  That way you will be saving electricity without having to reboot your computer every morning before you use it. 

None of these changes are going to make you the next millionaire.  But all of them, with wind power, can combine to make quite a dent on your energy bills.  These are simple energy savings techniques that don't take much time and you don't need any money or very little money.  With such little effort and the potential savings, why wouldn't you do it?

Learn more about living green at Vitality Market proud distributosr of Essante Worldwide Organic Products manufacturer of the Power Pop.